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"Two things are infinite. The universe and human stupidity. . . . and i'm not sure about universe" - Albert Einstein

This is one of the questions, I always wondered that "Why Intelligent people do stupid things?"

Like worshipping God, Some of them had done Ph.D. in Psychology, following some bullshit gurus, or doing as told by another person.

What keeps those people tied to very unbelievable things. Can't they see what going on? Are they blind?

I am not sure if you get the same question or not? But from a long time searching and checking other answers. Which never satisfied answer to my question?

Most of the time, I got the same answer, "you should believe in god!", "That guru has some power or does magics", etc.

Blah, blah, blah...!

Yesterday, while listening to one of Osho's discourses. I found an answer closed to my question. And I thought this can be true.

Here I am explaining it in my language(not so good) translated. It is taken from a discourse, so I can't refer you to the actual text. I am trying hard to explain to you as said by Osho.

To understand this we need some scientific background.

The discourse name is "Jin Khoja Tin Paiyan - #13", Here Osho explaining 7 types of bodies and their importance in meditation.

  • Physical Body
  • Etheric Body
  • Astral Body
  • Mental Body
  • Spiritual Body
  • Cosmic Body
  • Nirvana Body

The physical body is the one visible body, and it related to day-to-day activities. The etheric body related to emotions like anger, sex, jealousy.

The astral body related to intelligence, logic, thinking. The mental body connected with the mind/psychic.

The spiritual body is a kind of soul or bodylessness. The cosmic body is one with the universe or one with the force. The nirvana body is total void, nothing will be there, not even soul.

Here, we can do any physical activity only in case if our physical body developed. Those who don't have a hand lack some area of the physical body. 

Like that, after etheric body development, we become capable to go in another person's shoes. For feelings, desires etheric body development needs.

To work in the logic implementation or reasoning field, astral body development needed. Then we can love mathematics, science, etc.

And the mental body provides unending potential with the psychic, mind. For our answers, only 4 types of bodies need to be understood. 

And we need to understand two more concepts like

First, if we are at the physical body level and come in contact with someone with a higher etheric body. Then we get polled to them. And feel that their level is higher than us. This happens with all levels of bodies like we easily detect an intelligent person.

Another thing is that when we do too much physical activity(body) until we get exhausted. Then our physical body needs rest as if we are dead(nobody). Or more you can say, we can't do any more body activity. For the etheric body, it goes from feeling to no feeling.

And for the astral body, it goes from intelligence to unintelligence.

This is what happens with intelligent people after getting exhausted from using their logic over time. And their intelligence is not working anymore. At the same time if there is a person with a developed mental body, then that intelligent person gets pulled to it. 

That does not mean a person with a totally developed mental body is right, 99% he/she can be the coward person running some hidden agenda.

This is how intelligent people end up giving control in someone else's hand.

So when you get tired always get the required rest to avoid some silly things, like performing from intelligence to unintelligence.

Hope this helps! Please let me know in the below comments.

[Note- Please listen to the audio for more clarity. It was downloaded from back 2 years.]