Some Stories, Worth Telling!

Book Summary: Linchpin By Seth Godin

I recently heard Linchpin by Seth Godin on His approaches to become successful in business world is different than other self help books. As he says we need to learn new skills and adapt new methods to be indispensable.

Read Time: 1.02 minutes

Chatgpt On Python Vs Cython Performance

I was looking for python performance improvement and then went to ChatGPT to know more about it. It really gave same result with more info and short descriptions. This post is what it told me about it with reference links.

Read Time: 1.48 minutes

Visualization Importance

This is very short story, which show the strength of visualization.

Read Time: 0.35 minutes

Reading Importance

I can be so much. I can live so many lives, through times, be at places. It's most amazing.

Read Time: 0.33 minutes

November Famous Trends

Some of the famous November trends, I came across and their short intro. Hope it will help you to follow one this trend in November.

Read Time: 1.82 minutes

Effect Of Undoing Last Move

Things are so easy to do and very hard to undo. The small story of me, my friend, and my bike teaches us a life lesson. Hardly we learned at that time. Until we found where the boat got a hole, and need a fix. Its journey with the suffering.

Read Time: 2.13 minutes

The Small Story Of How Trauma Works

Trauma works mysteriously. We all have some kind of traumas in our life known and unknown. And as life goes on it keeps creating new ones. These are small experiences with trauma. Hope they help you understand their work.

Read Time: 2.21 minutes

New Presentation Technique: Use Of Hook

Use Hook in presentations help to set tone of presentation or perspective for it. If you were able to deliver Hook properly then you are done with 60% of your presentation.

Read Time: 1.91 minutes

New Friend At Chootu Kolhapuri

Story of two college students becoming good friends.

Read Time: 0.48 minutes

Why Should You Exercise?

You body is only door, you are going to use in this world to experience everything. How you treat it will define, how you are going to live a life. Just like for road trip a cars condition is very very important. And if shock absorbers not working, will you enjoy trip??

Read Time: 3.04 minutes

Two Wolfs: How Do You Feed Your Mind?

Cherokee Story of two wolfs inside your mind. How you choose to live your life? Small story with great message.

Read Time: 0.60 minutes

Managing Oneself By Peter F. Drucker

Peter F. Drucker takes us through various question about ourself and our boundaries about it. He shows us that figuring out and strengthening our boundaries, we can manage ourself better and enjoy it.

Read Time: 0.82 minutes